– Project development (UIA, INTERREG V) for the municipality of Almelo (NL) on entrepreneurship, circular economy, energy and migrant issues, 2016-17.
– Development of and participation in several project applications and ideas under the new EU programmes, including SELF, OURS and SOCINNO (both on local self-governance and a participative society (2014-2017)
– Development of and participation in several project applications and ideas under the Erasmus+ and Culture programme, of which both the LLL-projects MiStra (2012, CIOFS_FP) and ENERGY (as of October 2013, Emmen) are ongoing or have recently been finalised.
– Participating as a trainer in the Dutch Albanian “Tailor made Training” project (August – December 2013, VRIAN).
– Support of the Grundtvig-Life Long Learning project “POWER”, linked to the INTERREG project MP4, for the municipality of Emmen (2010-2012).
– Development of a project (private initiative) for elderly citizens in Oradea, Romania (2007-2008)
– Looking for support to establish a holiday resort for (setback) children and youth, in combination with a workshop for art, culture and nature, at the “Purvitis House” in Latvia. Additional investors are still sought for this project!
– Consulting on further project development and European funding in a twinning project on health and social care between the Dutch municipality of Aalten and Zalau (Sălaj County, Romania; 2006-2007)
– Human Resource oriented projects, including the establishment of a bi-lingual training and exchange project for police officers and the cross-border extension of a project for training long-term unemployed to become skilled restoration workers (1993-1997, EUREGIO)