The Human Factor: Cognition, Conscience, Consequences

The Geneva Rethinking Finance Collaborative (GRFC), organised a round table to encourage examination of alternative approaches and known solutions to many of the challenges facing people and planet. On 19 December, we discussed:

  • Ecological Overshoot: Human demands exceed Earth’s regenerative capacity, leading to the climate crisis.
  • Failed Responses: Despite decades of warnings, humanity has failed to address ecological overshoot due to a lack of behavioral change.
  • Behavioral Crisis: The root cause of ecological overshoot lies in maladaptive human behaviors, driven by factors like excessive consumption, resource acquisition, and the pursuit of wealth and status.
  • Growth Delusion: Focusing on incremental solutions like renewable energy without addressing the underlying need for growth is a flawed approach.
  • Urgent Need for Change: A radical shift in human behavior is necessary to avoid ecological collapse. This requires understanding and addressing the behavioral drivers of overshoot.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and the marketing/media industries is crucial to reorient human behavior towards sustainability.